I want to delete my account.


Last Update a month ago

If you decide to delete your account, you can do so at any time by reaching out to us at [email protected].

Alternatively, you can delete it via this link, as well as from both our mobile app and web portal.

Mobile App:

  • Tap the menu icon on the left side.
  • Select Settings -> Profile menu
  • Tap on "Delete account"
  • Tap on "Delete my account"
  • Write "Delete" and click send button.

Web Portal: (Excluding Parents)

  • Go to the "Profile" section at the top right.
  • Follow the deletion steps by clicking on "Delete Account."

When you delete your account, we will remove your profile information and any content you have provided in your profile (such as your name, password, email address, and profile photos), as well as information collected through mobile permissions based on your user category.

Please note that information you have shared with others, information others have shared about you, or content that other users may have copied and stored, is not considered part of your account and may not be deleted when you delete your account.