I want to report a failure


Last Update 3 months ago

Before reporting a bug, please check out our Help Centre to see if you can find the solution there first.

For Mobile

  • Please check that you are using the latest version of the app.
  • Kiddy supports iOS version 11 and above on iPhone and iPad, and Android version 8.0 and above on Android mobile phones and tablets.
  • Before reporting an error, please sync your data. Using sync data can be a solution when faced with an error.

For Web

  • Please reload the page.
  • If that doesn't work, log out and log in again and sync data.
  • We support several browsers, but recommend Chrome.

It is possible to report an error in several ways.

  • Use the "Report error" page
  • Use "Chat" on the right side via https://www.kiddyapp.io/
  • Use "Report error" page on web application.
  • Use "Bug report" page under settings on mobile application.